Noraxon’s new Ultium EMG Biofeedback App for Android devices gives clinicians a portable & user-friendly way to quickly start a measurement, view real-time data, and run a report in order to help patients gain sensitivity and, with practice, control their muscles as well as track therapy progression to provide objective support for their training regimen.

EMG biofeedback is a technique used to help a subject better understand and recognize their own muscle tension in real-time. Biofeedback is valuable because it allows a subject to gain more control over the activation or relaxation of their muscles.

The Ultium EMG Biofeedback Package includes 2 Ultium EMG or Core EMG Sensors, EMG Charging Station, Disposables, Android Tablet, and the EMG Biofeedback App.

Streamlined Biofeedback

Start a measurement

Select a patient

View real-time data

Run report & compare

Fast Setup & Easy to Use

Assign Sensors to Muscles

Supports up to 4 channels of EMG

Multiple Feedback Visuals

Selfie Mode