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  4. Ultium EMG Getting Started Guide

Ultium EMG Getting Started Guide

This page will guide you through the first steps of setting up the Ultium EMG system and recording your first measurements.

Download Computer Specification Requirements HERE.

Intro to EMG

This video offers an initial explanation of the EMG signal, as well as processing and analysis techniques.

System unboxing & setup

  • Install the MR software.
  • Plug in the EMG system.
  • Learn how to assign sensors to muscles and start a measurement.
  • For more detailed setup images, view the Ultium EMG Quick Start Guide.

EMG measurement preparation & setup

Learn how to:

  • Place electrodes – (SENIAM is the resource for electrode placement mentioned in the video)
  • Prepare the skin
  • Check the EMG signal quality before measurement


The video tutorials below explore common measurement needs, such as signal processing, normalization, and biofeedback training.

Tools for Biofeedback Training

  • How to use biofeedback tools for real-time muscle activation training.

Signal Processing Tools

  • How to use signal processing tools such as Amplitude Normalization, Smoothing, and more for real-time measurements and post processing.
  • Refer to the ABC of EMG for education on which processing to use.

Amplitude Normalization Tutorial

  • How to use an MVC (Maximum Voluntary Contraction) or other normalization activity to normalize EMG data.


Visit our Reporting and Customization section for more details on EMG reporting options.

Adding a Ninox reference camera

If your Ultium EMG system came with a Ninox reference camera, learn more about setting up your Ninox camera and synchronizing it with the Ultium EMG system in our Ninox Quick Start Guide.

Visit the Ninox Quick Start Guide HERE.

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