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  5. Getting Started with the Ultium Biofeedback App
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  4. Getting Started with the Ultium Biofeedback App

Getting Started with the Ultium Biofeedback App

This page will guide you through the first steps of using the Ultium Biofeedback App.

Review the PDF to connect your system and activate your license

Download the Ultium Biofeedback App Guide HERE.

Biofeedback App with Core EMG

This video explains how to use Core EMG with the Ultium Biofeedback App.

Biofeedback App with Ultium EMG

This video explains how to use the Ultium EMG system with the Ultium Biofeedback App.

EMG measurement preparation and setup

Review the video below for more details on EMG sensor placement and preparation for measurement.

  • Place electrodes for Ultium and Core EMG sensors
  • Visit SENIAM for guidance on electrode placement on different muscles
  • Prepare the skin
  • Check the signal quality before EMG measurement
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