Our Primary Applications

EMG Biofeedback

Help a subject matter understand and recognize their own muscle tension in real-time.

Gait & Running Analysis

Measure a person’s movements while identifying abnormalities during their gait cycle.

Jump Analysis

Measure an individual’s ability to express force and generate power with their lower extremities.

Our Specialized Applications

Balance & Sway Analysis

Assess weight distribution and postural stability to understand how and individual maintains equilibrium and achieves balance.

Bike Fitting

Adjust and customize a cyclist’s bike to optimize their comfort, performance, and efficiency.

EMG Analysis

Compare repetitions against one another to determine how the signal amplitude changes.

Ergonomics & Human Factors

Measure the user experience of ergonomic design in everyday work locations and routines.

Isokinetic Testing

Document the typical activation pattern and firing characteristics within each repetition cycle of the isokinetic activity.

Gait Training

Improve the walking ability of patients with conditions that impair their mobility.

Isometric Testing

Assess an athlete’s maximal strength, ability to meet the performance demands of their sport, and potential risk of injury.

Pelvic Floor Therapy

Help patients understand how to strengthen or relax their pelvic floor muscles in order to improve bowel or bladder function.

Range of Motion Analysis

Determine the cause and severity of issues related to joint mobility.

Return to Play

Evaluate whether an athlete is clear to return to sport, prevent possible injuries, and enhance overall health & performance.

Timed Up & Go Assessments (TUG)

Evaluate an individual’s functional mobility and balance.

Throw, Strike & Swing Analysis

Analyze an athlete’s swing, throw, or strike to improve and maximize their abilities.