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  6. How to Generate an Average Curves Report and Use Period Definition Tools in MR4 [VIDEO]

How to Generate an Average Curves Report and Use Period Definition Tools in MR4 [VIDEO]

Noraxon Support Manager Lindsey Hennington covers how to use the “Average Curves” report for repetitive analysis in MR. Within this tutorial, Lindsey also covers how to use the period definition tools for defining a movement manually or automatically, and the use of Markers for period definition and Points of Interest.

Average Curves Report in MR:

This report is designed for repetitive motion cycles and activities with an up/down, extension/flexion, abduction/adduction, etc. motion pattern. Data are presented time normalized from 0 to 100% with 1% data resolution (=100 data points per motion cycle). Time normalization allows for standardized comparison of records and automatically eliminates unavoidable timing differences.

Period Definition:

By markers

Recommended EMG Processing:

Rectified and smoothed with a moving average or RMS algorithm over a 50 to 100s time window

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