Subject’s age: 17
Subject’s gender: Male
Reason for visit:
Chronic right peroneal tendon irritation with long distance running. Had been going to outpatient physical therapy for several months with great success but still had pain with running > 6-7 miles.
Noraxon hardware used: 9 Pro Research IMU sensors & 2 NiNOX 2D video cameras
Key Improvements Shown in Comparison Report:
- Looking at right ankle abduction/adduction you can see that his return visit (Running 7.0 mph) now showed right ankle ABDuction as opposed to ADDuction at initial visit (Long mileage base pace).
- Looking at right ankle dorsiflexion/plantar flexion you can see that he had increased plantar flexion at return visit – more calf contribution.
Assessment & Training Outcomes:
Looking at right ankle dorsiflexion/plantar flexion you can see that he had increased plantar flexion at return visit – more calf contribution.
Key Findings:
- Right ankle adduction during right stance = increased strain through the peroneals
- Decreased right ankle plantarflexion at push off indicating decreased utilization of calf despite good strength (25+/25 heel raises)
Treatment summary:
Movement retraining exercises in combination with running cues on his own for 8 weeks.

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