Dr. Hansen presenting on his work with IMUs at the 2018 World Congress of Biomechanics in Dublin, Ireland.
Clint Hansen, PhD
University of Kiel (Germany) and previously Aspetar (Qatar)
How long have you been a Noraxon user?
We received a Portable Motion and EMG system in 2015 and quickly integrated them as part of our daily clinical practice to quantify movement patterns.
What population do you mainly work with?
With Aspetar, professional athletes. We use the system to complete pre-season screening and track the rehabilitation process of the athletes after ACL injury. The screening consists of the analysis of foot strike patterns and pressure distribution using an instrumented treadmill.
What Noraxon technology have you integrated into your workflow?
So far we have used video, EMG, IMUs, and the instrumented treadmill. The integration per drag and drop is very easy and the connection with the USB is fairly easy. Using the treadmill to detect steps is favorable as the creation of reports is very straight forward and creates clinically meaningful data.

The view from Dr. Hansen’s office at the University of Kiel in Kiel, Germany.
How has the technology improved your practice?
The visual feedback allows to detect potential problems faster. Reporting of the data is well guided and the system can be used by multiple clinicians after a short introduction and instruction period.
What was your biggest win from the last year?
Currently we are using the Noraxon MyoMotion system to creaste a pipeline to use it in the Neurogeriatrics ward in Kiel. This is still work in progress.
What has been your most interesting application?
Using the system outside the lab. This allowed us to measure on-field action to avoid lab only measures. The integration of the video equipment helped to authenticate the 3D movements and re-calibrate if need be.
What will you try to measure next?
Currently we are working on the integration of the MyoMotion system into the movement laboratory to synchronize it with a 3D motion capture system.