An isokinetic evaluation aims to identify muscular imbalances that can lead to injury or interfere with the return-to-play process. The evaluation generates isolated parameters, such as strength, power, and resistance, which are important for evaluating muscular performance and post-injury recovery. Incorporating EMG allows for deeper insight into how these parameters are generated and can help determine if dysfunction still exists despite comparable biomechanical outputs.
An isokinetic evaluation aims to identify muscular imbalances that can lead to injury or interfere with the return-to-play process. The evaluation generates isolated parameters, such as strength, power, and resistance, which are important for evaluating muscular performance and post-injury recovery. Incorporating EMG allows for deeper insight into how these parameters are generated and can help determine if dysfunction still exists despite comparable biomechanical outputs.

Noraxon Isokinetic Testing
The Isokinetics Analysis Report in MR is designed for the synchronized measurement and analysis of EMG and biomechanical output signals (torque, angle, velocity) from an isokinetic dynamometer. The main purpose is to document the typical activation pattern and firing characteristics within each repetition cycle of the isokinetic activity (e.g. extension-flexion, abduction-adduction, internal/external rotation). Angle, velocity, and rotational force signals captured from the isokinetics device are used to time normalize and average the EMG patterns and torque output curves for quick side-to-side comparisons. Additionally, mean amplitude and frequency analysis reflect the changes in the neuromuscular recruitment for each side and activity.
Integrate any of these 3rd Party Dynamometers into Noraxon’s multi-device software:

Suggested Hardware
Using Noraxon’s multi-device software platform, users are able to simultaneously collect multiple types of biomechanical data from various hardware devices. All of the integrated devices are automatically synchronized and the easily accessible data allows for a quick but comprehensive understanding of how the human body is moving and what the contributing factors are. Our unified software makes it easy for users to integrate a variety of recording devices to fit any budget or unique application.