Subject’s age: 17
Subject’s gender: Male
Reason for visit: IT Band Syndrome in distance running
Noraxon hardware used: 3D Motion Capture, NiNOX High-Speed Cameras, Pressure-Instrumented Treadmill
Key Improvements Shown in Comparison Report:
- Improved hip abduction angle by 55%
- Improved pelvic obliquity angle by 72%
- Reduction in lateral trunk lean
- Decrease in cross-over stride
Assessment & Training Outcomes:
This client started off with 6/10 IT band pain with distance running and was able to run pain-free following treatment. The changes he made in the biomechanics of his pelvis and hips resulted in better stance vs. swing metrics with total contact duration decreasing by 5.1%. He also demonstrated an increased cadence from 166 to 174 steps per minute. This client was able to return to competitive distance running with improved mechanics and better performance.
Key Findings:
- Pelvic Obliquity, Hip Abduction(adduction) were the parameters we were focusing on.
- In relation to his IT band syndrome, he demonstrated a contralateral pelvic drop and hip adduction which were the key variables contributing to his pain.
- He also had a lateral trunk lean at initial assessment secondary to a weak gluteus medius muscle.
Treatment summary:
Additional findings revealed poor gluteus medius and Maximus activation and decreased strength measured via hand held dynamometry. We therefore started our treatment by focusing on EMG activation of the gluteal muscles. We used EMG biofeedback with a progressive exercise program that included isometrics, strength training, and dynamic single leg alignment drills. We also utilized IMU’s for biofeedback during single leg alignment drills and a camera from the posterior perspective so that the client could see in real-time his pelvic drop, trunk lean, and hip adduction. This was a valuable step in “re-training” the neuromotor pathways with a high amount of feedback initially, followed by decreasing feedback with faster movements. We also utilized real-time running re-training with a high speed camera and IMU’s to transfer his alignment training to running itself.