Instrumented Insoles

provide a portable, cost-effective solution for gait and balance assessments. These lightweight insoles integrate seamlessly into Noraxon’s MR software and fit into everyday footwear, allowing users to capture real-world data in nearly any environment.

Precise Foot Pressure Measurement

Pressure insoles offer precise measurement of foot pressure distribution during gait and balance assessments. This detailed data allows users to analyze how weight is distributed across the foot, identify areas of high pressure or imbalance, and assess gait patterns accurately.

A person wearing white sneakers and black pants

Real-World Assessment

Pressure insoles provide a more natural and real-world assessment of gait and balance compared to laboratory-based systems like pressure-instrumented treadmills. By capturing data during over-the-ground activities, pressure insoles offer insights into how individuals move and distribute their weight in everyday situations, enhancing the ecological validity of assessments.

Person's leg and golf club on an indoor golfing green, ready to hit a ball.

Portable and Versatile

Pressure insoles are portable and versatile, making them suitable for use in various settings, including clinics, research labs, on-the-job assessments, and even outdoor environments. Their lightweight and flexible design allow for comfortable use during prolonged assessments, and they can easily be transferred between different pairs of shoes, enabling convenient data collection across different activities and applications.


Medilogic Insoles

Thin, flexible insoles, with a high number of sensors.

Ultium Insoles

The Ultium Insole SmartLead provides Ultium users.

Our Software Benefits