Pressure Platforms & Walkways
Pressure-instrumented platforms and walkways are portable tools used to assess gait, stance, and balance without taking up a lot of space. Ideal for clinics and research labs, they provide detailed insights into over-ground locomotion dynamics despite their small footprint.

Comprehensive Pressure Analysis
Gain valuable insights into foot function, stance dynamics, and gait mechanics with capabilities like load sequence feedback, evaluation reports, and static load distribution analysis.

Synchronized and Integrated
Seamlessly integrate into Noraxon’s MR software for an easy-to-use workflow, real-time synchronization, and customized reports for comprehensive, data-driven decision-making.

Efficient and User-Friendly
Easily conduct quick and accurate pressure assessments. These portable platforms excel at collecting over-the-ground gait data, providing a more natural assessment compared to treadmill-based analysis.

FDM 1.5 Pressure Walkway

FDM-S Pressure Platform

FDM-SX Pressure Platform