Many athletes can benefit from receiving a biomechanical evaluation for various sports movements such as striking, throwing, and swinging. Understanding specifically how a subject is currently moving their body and using their muscles during these activities allows for space to improve and maximize their abilities to become a better athlete.
Many athletes can benefit from receiving a biomechanical evaluation for various sports movements such as striking, throwing, and swinging. Understanding specifically how a subject is currently moving their body and using their muscles during these activities allows for space to improve and maximize their abilities to become a better athlete.

Noraxon Throw, Strike, and Swing Analysis
Noraxon’s multi-device software makes it easy to integrate a variety of biomechanics recording devices to create a comprehensive motion analysis lab. The industry leading technology helps coaches & clinicians guide a treatment plan for athletes to prevent possible injuries and enhance overall health & performance.
With a Noraxon system, users are able to track and understand:
- Kinematic Sequence
- Velocity & Acceleration
- Movement Efficiency
- Weight Distribution
- Force & Power Production
- Performance Enhancement
- Training Progression
Suggested Hardware
Using Noraxon’s multi-device software platform, users are able to simultaneously collect multiple types of biomechanical data from various hardware devices. All of the integrated devices are automatically synchronized and the easily accessible data allows for a quick but comprehensive understanding of how the human body is moving and what the contributing factors are. Our unified software makes it easy for users to integrate a variety of recording devices to fit any budget or unique application.